
Big Companies


For the past 4 years, I worked for companies worth tens of billions of dollars with thousands of engineers under their R&D apartments. These companies were my dream at the beginning of my career. Who doesn't want to work for a well-known established name with fancy perks? Well, don't know how about you, but I at least did, and my LinkedIn did.

In these big companies you'll find complex, overengineered systems where you'll be reading documents from smart people and hoping to become one yourself, at least a bit. If you're lucky - you'll get a system to implement yourself. Or like most of us - you'll become a maintainer of some system which was engineered by that sole 10x engineer and of course, he left after you joined leaving multiple bugs you'll find out with the new incidents. In the beginning, it's fun - cause everything is a steep learning curve but over time you are thrown with these new nouns like "politics", "directors", and "reorganisation" - it starts to become a tad sadder. But you say to yourself - "I get that IPO stock where I can cash out now and not some kind of paper money which you never know if it will be worth anything".

And in the end you start asking yourself - maybe it's time for that paper money adventure?



I have started writing my thoughts for around 3/4 years and I believe this was one of my best decisions in life. It's like speaking to yourself, talking what's on your mind, clearing those thoughts and making plans, or sometimes just ranting about the world. Sometimes you don't have people you want to speak about, sometimes you don't want to tell them everything or just want to keep some things personal. Writting should be just a brain dump of what's inside, it's like a mini walk through nature when in reality you're binging in bed. It's like that imaginary child friend who knows your secrets and just listens without judging.

I truly believe journaling can change your life and would say to try it to everyone. We all like speaking about ourselves, so why don't write about it also?



When faced with monotony in daily life, one can try to tackle it in various ways. One can start binge-watching Netflix to get that dopamine increase, the second one can start going out with friends more often in the hope that the empty void of sitting at home will be filled, the third one can do various activities after work hours just in order not to think about the boring life which is bestilled at home. Or as most of us do - change our jobs.

These actions can add variety, maybe one activity will escalate to some other side-effect which will open new doors, new people and will change you dramatically. But, in my opinion, this is not very often the result - after some time you will get bored again and search for a different source of excitement. These thoughts of change come to differentiate the surrounding environment, give some excitement or fill in the empty time. Maybe you will find your source of happiness and settle down, accepting life as it is, which probably happens more naturally when you get older.

Without leaving people, filling all personal life timeslots or changing jobs - find a mission that would enhance your spiritually. Not everyone needs independence and unlimited money. Maybe you want to create a product, improve your existing relationships or take those small risks you can remember after numerous years. Think in the present moment and have a defined "why?", be the authentic you and enjoy life to its broadest potential.



We all have heard the phrase about time being a finite resource. The importance of it from numerous noteworthy authors, big article publishers and our family and friends. And it's usually quite easy to hear an idea which we approve of, but it's quite hard to practically execute it.

Our brains are wired towards tasks that have an instant or in a short timeframe reward, as opposed to a bigger one in the long term. At least, that's how I view myself. The long ones require more patience, concentration, reflections and small rewards along the way. As a result sentences like "time is a finite resource" are usually incomprehensible because we live by the moment, or at the maximum in a week's timeframe.

But recently, after daily spending numerous hours on a specific goal, I started to understand the meaning of this phrase. I believe everyone will use different meanings and learn different lessons, and that is the correct way to live - by putting things towards our prisms and experiences. At least from my point of view, I understand that we can not compare time in the essence of what we could have done. It's easy to make this assumption because in thinking about the future, we think of the most optimistic outcome. I could have achieved X or learned Y, but now I know Z and I'm not sure if this was the correct path. The mere fact that we reached Z should make us feel great about ourselves. It is another question if we would have achieved X or Y in the first place. Time is finite, and we should think about how to spend it, but one shouldn't jump between shiny distractions and think that the most promising result will occur always.

Don't overcomplicate things, and always prioritize happiness, valueing what you have at present.